Functional Range Conditioning

Functional Range Conditioning


Developed by world-renowned musculoskeletal, and human movement expert Dr. Andreo Spina, Functional Range Conditioning (FRC®), is a system of joint health, and mobility training based in scientific principals and research. Mobility refers to the amount of USABLE motion that one possesses across a particular articulation (joint). The more mobile a person is, the more they are able to maximize their movement potential safely, efficiently, and effectively.

Although we work mobility into every type of training session, you will see a major difference in your movement quality if you dedicate a full session to improving the control, capacity, and overall health of your joints.

Functional Range Assessment

FRA is a measurement based assessment system that provides objective measures of a person’s movement capacity for each and every articulation (joint).  Then training inputs (FRC®) are able to be directed at the individual’s specific deficits.

To improve your joint health & mobility

A movement enhancement system that develops maximum body control, flexibility and usable ranges of motion. The KINSTRETCH system is one born out of scientific research. All of the movements and training techniques have been selected based on a meticulous and rigorous investigation of evidence, conducted by physical conditioning and medical experts, as it pertains to body control, injury prevention, joint health, and physical longevity. Unlike many training systems, KINSTRETCH practice is complete with a self-assessment system allowing you the ability to monitor your own body for dysfunction that may be causing pain, loss of performance, or that may be putting you at an increased chance of injury.